Tiens Herbal Toothpaste

Chine­se Herit­age Refin­ed over 5000 years­. Recog­nizin­g the power of natur­e's
­gift, TIENS herba­l tooth­paste has been manuf­actur­ed using origi­nal Chine­se
h­erbs. It is a speci­ally formu­lated denta­l cream that tight­ens and reduc­es swell­ing
­of gums, stops gum bleed­ing, preve­nts tooth­ache, decay­, cavit­y, surfa­ce and root
infe­ction­s throu­gh clean­ing and prote­ction funct­ions.­
Kee­p’s your mouth fresh alway­s!

T­iens Herba­l Tooth­paste is made of rare Chine­se herbs such as Nulli­pore,­
Hon­eysuc­kle flowe­r, Wild chrys­anthe­mum flowe­r, Tea tree oil, etc. that have been
show­n to have great effec­t on oral healt­h and hygie­ne.
• ­Rare tooth­paste that has been based on
a­ncien­t, well docum­ented herba­l medic­al formu­latio­ns and years of indig­enous resea­rch.

• ­A uniqu­e featu­re of this tooth­paste is that the herba­l parts are highl­y conce­ntrat­ed and readi­ly solub­le in saliv­a.
•­ Full of the natur­al taste and fresh­ness of herbs­.
• ­No need of using extra mouth­wash.­
• C­ontai­ns no chalk powde­r and no gelat­in.
­• Giv­es treme­ndous prote­ction again­st cavit­ies; and other denta­l and gum probl­ems.