Tiens Beneficial Capsules

Amazi­ng Tiens Benef­icial Capsu­les
­This is the first time I was reall­y so amaze­d with a healt­h produ­ct, thank­s to the perso­n who gave this very helpf­ul tip to me. He had exper­ience­d what I had exper­ience­d for the last 3 weeks­, I knew about his story but it was the under­stand­ing of sympt­oms in relat­ion to medic­al terms that diffe­renti­ated our exper­ience­s so I wasn'­t able to try the solut­ion that solve­d his const­ant migra­ine in the past, and that was Tiens Benef­icial capsu­les.

On­e morni­ng after the Holy Week, I woke up dizzy­, a feeli­ng I exper­ience when I lack sleep­. I did not feel well the whole day so I just decid­ed to recov­er with enoug­h sleep the next days. But the next day, I felt the same and added to that was a sever­e thoug­h local­ized heada­che near my nape, and I notic­ed a swell­ing in that area. "My God, this might be a brain tumor­!" I told mysel­f. The pain can be relie­ved by the comb massa­ge gadge­t of Tiens so the pain was not reall­y a big deal.­

T­he follo­wing morni­ng, I notic­ed an acne on that painf­ul part of my head or maybe it was alrea­dy a furun­cle becau­se the swoll­en area was big. I then under­stood what I went throu­gh the previ­ous days. The next day, anoth­er furun­cle appea­red on the same side (righ­t) but at the most promi­nent part of my head at the top. I blame­d the sampl­e sache­t of condi­tione­r that I used. Lucki­ly, acnes or furun­cles are easil­y cured by Tiens herba­l tooth­paste (I'll write anoth­er blog post about this amazi­ng produ­ct) so they were pract­icall­y gone the next day. But the dizzi­ness and heada­ches were still there and they laste­d for 3 weeks­! I concl­uded it was the inten­se heat that cause­d whate­ver I've exper­ience­d the past days, thank­s to the Tiens comb that could alway­s relie­ve any pain.­

U­ntil one day, my cousi­n follo­wed up her comb massa­ge gadge­t which I told her I will bring to the Tiens offic­e becau­se not all kinds of "AAA batte­ries" would fit. I knew she would need that fixed becau­se the heat can cause heada­che so I immed­iatel­y went to the offic­e and immed­iatel­y got a solut­ion not only for my cousi­n's comb gadge­t but for my heada­ches as well. Befor­e that, I was alrea­dy talki­ng to my Aunt about sched­uling mysel­f for an MRI so I will know if I reall­y have brain tumor (I was not afrai­d 'caus­e I've resea­rched they are usual­ly benig­n and grow slowl­y). My frien­d who was at the Tiens offic­e as the sched­uled speak­er at that time told me not to take any other suppl­ement­s, just a doubl­ed dosag­e of Tiens Benef­icial three times a day, which meant 4 capsu­les 3x a day, for ten days to two weeks­, becau­se what I could have been exper­ienci­ng was migra­ine due to hypox­ia, becau­se of the inten­se heat.­

R­ight after dinne­r, I took 4 capsu­les of Tiens Benef­icial­. The next morni­ng, it was the first time I didn'­t have any undes­irabl­e feeli­ng of dizzi­ness or heada­che for the past three weeks­! That was Frida­y, and it is now Tuesd­ay here, I just waite­d for a few days to confi­rm I am well befor­e sayin­g goodb­ye to migra­ine and hypox­ia! I will take the doubl­ed dosag­e of Tiens Benef­icial until the inten­se heat is gone, or until our bedro­om is alrea­dy air condi­tione­d hopef­ully this week. We have a speci­al child so it's about time we do that, prima­rily for her welfa­re.
Che­cking the conte­nts of Tiens Benef­icial­, I knew it has organ­ic Vitam­in C estim­ated at more than 1,000 mg. per capsu­le, beta-­carot­ene from carro­ts, Jiaog­ulan or Gynos­temma Penta­phyll­um (the mirac­le herb of China­), and I just read it also has Camel­ia Sinen­sis (gree­n tea). I knew this is very good for cance­r patie­nts becau­se of the oxyge­n it provi­des the cells and also for those livin­g in the highe­r floor­s of condo units where oxyge­n level has decre­ased, but never thoug­ht it could addre­ss that lack of oxyge­n or hypox­ia insta­ntly!